If you are looking for a way to host a Minecraft server so that you and your friends can play together in the same world, you will either need to host it yourself on your own computer or you’ll need to pay for a company to do this for you. Before you make your decision, […]
Can you imagine your life without your mobile phone? Our phones have become such an important extension of ourselves. They are our key to the rest of the world since they provide access to our most basic needs, our families, and the global community as a whole. Almost everything we do has an app made […]
A woman’s wedding day is significant for her and her father. Not only will she walk down the aisle but the father of the bride will accompany her, which means attendees will see his fashion sense as well. What is the best attire when considering father of the bride suits? These three styles may be […]
Are you a homeowner ready to give your home a makeover by sprucing up your garage door? Perhaps your door is making all sorts of strange noises, or it has some kind of problem. However, before you can get your garage door repaired, you have to choose the best garage door repair company first, which […]
The 2020 Ram truck has received praise from critics and consumers alike. The 2020 Ram 1500 truck features modern styling, and now offers an updated Diesel engine that’s among the best in the market. So is the Ram the right truck for you? Given how many great trucks you can buy, it’s smart to consider […]
The Wall Street Journal has revealed their numbers of a recent poll about which mobile operating system is the best. Out of 6365 votes in total, Android occupies 50.7% of the pie, making it the most popular mobile OS on the minds of everyone who casted their votes. Apple comes in
The Android Market has reached a huge milestone, crossing the 100,000 app threshold.Just last year, the Motorola Droid, arguably the most popular Android device, hit store shelves drastically. Even though the T-Mobile G1 has been out now for two years, it wasn’t until the DROID hit that Android really took off and became a direct
According to NPD, the Android OS has dominated quarter 3 sales this year. An amazing 44 % of smartphone sales in the U.S. are Android-based devices. Apple’s iOS made up only 23% while BlackBerry’s RIM dropped from 28% to 22%. Android is moving into a better position to take on the giant iOS.Rubin Ross from
It’s November, and looking at the breakdown of Android versions in the wild, Android 2.1 (Eclair) and Android 2.2 (Froyo) still dominates, at 40.8 percent and 36.2 percent respectively. Eclair devices increased from 40.4 percent a month ago. Android 1.6 (Donut) devices fell to an even 15 percent, and Android 1.5 (cupcake) decreased to 7.9 percent.