- July 1, 2022
Septic Systems Are Surprisingly Complex

If someone were to ask you what the most complicated piece of machinery you own is, you would likely answer your computer or your car. However, would you even stop to consider your septic tank. Septic tanks may not be as complex as some of the other options, but they are extremely complex nonetheless. In fact, they are incredible feats of engineering and technology. Even so, they will break from time to time just like any other piece of technology.
This is why it is important to take care of your septic system. This includes having a septic pumping service do regular maintenance. In this video, you will learn about the complexity of modern septic tanks.
The septic system has a tank underground with two parts. One part houses everything that you flush down the drain. However, the second tank only takes the liquid from the first. This dirty liquid is then pumped to a pod where it goes through some changes. Bacteria in the pod convert the ammonia in the water into nitrogen which can eventually safely be released into the air. From here, the water is then put through a sand filter. Lastly, the water is reintegrated back into the ground.